Hehehehehe but now i update liao right! ^^ Cos he go work. YAY. Kay i know i shall stop my craps and start posting. But too bad, i forgotten what happened. Just gonna elaborate roughly uh. Dui bu qi. Tsk, i've superrr bad memory. But this post will be full of photos! (: Can't stand my face? Too bad and so sorry. ROFLOL.
So yes, i promised the pictures that was taken @Ling's house to be up. And they're finally up! Hehehehehe. Kay shall let the pictures elaborate on what happened that day. (:

Kay. I think i remembered what happened. Hm, morning met with Oyt @Ling's house opp. de bus stop. Haha sorry Oyt for keeping you waiting until you got mosquito bites on your pretty skin. o: Ling came down too. Then we three go up to her house tgt. (: Then used computer, played with hamster. After that went to Gekpoh to buy cardboard and fries. Then went to playground to eat fries and take photos. Take le, then went up to her house again.

See? Actually Oyt wanted to pillowfight with Ling. But in the end i don't think thats a pillowfight lor! As what i've said, i think its more like a ticklingfight or what. Cos Oyt ended up tickling Ling! LOL LOL. I'm the camerawoman. (Y) Luckily i didn't participate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :P TongTong came over around 3 when we're watching tv. Should be teaching Oyt happy birthday, but ended up Oyt don't want to learn alrdy. So didn't learn.

See? This is the little szb that plays the piano until like that. LOL! Yes, THAT IS MY DEAR FRIEND OYT HEARTBREAKER. Muhahahahaha i don't know how come she suddenly knows piano and even played VERY VERY VERY WELL...... Agree Ling and TongTong? Hahahahahaha! No luh. Actually i know thats the part where the music will play on its own. Bu yao pian wo kay! I KNOW DE, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kay then went home around 4plus with TongTong and Oyt continued to stay until 5. Other photos @Facebook luh. Sorry i too lazy upload. x:
Went to Oyt's house and did cupcakes in the morning! Alot of them! Very pretty hehehehehe! Thank you Oyt's mummy for helping us! (: Oyt so good life uh, sleep until so late. LOL! She only woke up when Ling called her and told her that we outside of her house alrdy. Hahahahaha cute man. Her mummy bought us to Shengsiong to buy stuffs for next day's party @Chevrons. Played with Sasha awhile, then hsh with Ling. Thank you Ling for your 60cents. Hahahahahaha if not for that 60cents i think i wouldn't be able to go home alrdy. Was all wet, but thank you still. LOL! I'm so courteous right! $:
Chalet @Chevrons! FINALLY~~~ Everyone has been waiting for this day to arrive. Hehehehehe right right! Happy belated birthday Fa-na! (: Met up with Ling @7-11, then went to Oyt's house tgt. Prepared everything alrdy then took Oyt daddy's car to chalet. Thank you Uncle. (: Hahahaha see i'm forever so ke qi one. Shy~ Kay continue. Hmm, reached alrdy, waited for her cousin to check in. Then yup, went to chalet and watched tv. After that bowling! YAY. Sorry i know its getting boring reading such a wordy post. Pictures are below. ^^

Thank you Terence for letting us use your lappy. Hahahahahahaha. Took these photos using his lappy with Oyt. We clever right! Haha kay continue. My com is lagging. Post too much photos i guess. LOL LOL.

Morning woke up early, left home to breakfast with TongTong! Hahahahahaha. Then after that went to guitar lesson. Then Jurongpoint-ed with Tong and Mam Mindy. Okay i wanted to eat pepperlunch at first. But then reached there, Tong don't want pei me eat. Hm then bought my dessert! Hehehe i luv the snowman on top kay. Very cute. After that went to Popular buy stuffs for Gb, then Mam Mindy left and i went to Tong's house. Tong's didi very cute. Hahahahahahahaha. Then went home at 5. Can't find my way out. LOL. But in the end went the long way out.
Kay. Bye bye. Shall end my post here. Thank you for reading until here. LOL. Don't think anyone would be reading until here bah. x: Ahh. I haven't eat my dinner! LOL! Bye~
Hahah ! Who was the one playing keyboard so crazily ? So funny :)