Back from camp! ^^ Like finally can! Have been waiting for this day manz, seriously! The camp was totally way too.. A-W-E-S-O-M-E ALREADY. This is the best camp i've ever had lor.. The very, very, very best one. Agree Tay Xiao Tong? Right right!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Okie, this will be a very long post! With pictures la, okay. If not damn wordy. I'm posting here cos i don't wanna to loose to Tay Xiao Tong. LOL! Cos she posted a super longgggg post too. Hahahahahahaha, so rare de lor! And also cos she told me to post so i post wat. Kay kay kay, i shall start my post! :)
1st day!
Woke up early, cos i didn't want to be late meeting Tay Xiao Tong and Berlinda Tan @Mac for breakfast. So got up early, prepared everything, bused to Gekpoh, reached Mac @6.30. Early right! Hahahaha, i know i know. :) Waited for them for like so longggggggggg lor. Should have brought my handphone with me! Then at least can contact them. Was like so malu manz, walking up and down Mac. Then then, they didn't reach, so i went to Oyt's house put my English worksheet @her letter box first. Then, i thought Tong was going to put her Hmt worksheet into her letter box too, so waited for them again at the bus stop there. Then then, waited for around15mins, they still didn't reach ley! I thought i was like seriously late or smth, and they could have left Mac. Hmm, then walked to school, and saw them alrdy at the foyer there. PLEASE LOL @ME. Kay la, i think it's kinda my fault cos i didn't hear them saying that they're going to meet me at Pioneer Mall's Mac and not Gekpoh's. :S
Hmm, nvm. Then started the camp with some icebreaker games, etc. Then bused to Fort Canning and National Museum after that for some activities they've prepared for us. Lunch @Fort Canning. And thats the only meal, that i finished everything. Yes, its becos i'm hungry wat. :P I'm not wasting food here kay! :) Its just that sometimes the food is too much. LOL. Then after we returned to school from Fort Canning and National Museum, played some team building games. Was kinda sad cos like being separated from my dearest Tay Xiao Tong. ): We slept different dorms, we're in different squads, everything. :'(

Hahahaha, but luckily i still have one good friend with me! My that good friend loves Justin Bieber. LOL. And always never fail to make me laugh with her. And she always call me bai chi one lor. HAHAHAHA. And that is.. F-I-O-N! ;) Hahahaha, got to know her more thru the camp cos we were in the same squad. If not like everytime, Tong + Ber + Her + Me Mos-burger tgt, we both were like kinda awkward and didn't really talk to each other cos didn't really know each other well and had nothing to talk to. Hehe, and you know what? She's in the same primary school with me as well! :)
So me and Tong only gets to talk to each other when we were on the bus to trips outside school. Only 4times ba, i guess. But nevertheless, we're still as close. :) I like her cos she never forgets her friends even if she have thousands of other good friends around her. She is always the one that encourages, helps and cares for her friends. I like every breakfast times we had tgt. I know Tay Xiao Tong would be reading this, cos she stalks me. LOL.
Okie, continue. Hmm. After the games, we went to bathe > worship + devotion > played games > had supper > did reflections, then finally.. LIGHTS OUT! Hahahahaha, i was really tired, so i slept at around 11.45, i guess. The first night was really bad, with the floor so hard and the fan running at a very high speed. Woke up several times, and i guess Fion didn't slept well too, cos i knew we both woke up and talked and went to sleep until the next morning. LOL.
2nd day!
Woke up on time. Yayyyyy. :) Had PT first. Then breakfast. After that, went to trekking @Bukit Timah Hill! Hahahaha, was really awesome although its abit scary and tiring. The slope is really steep, and needed alot of strength to climb up. Hahaha, i no strength liao manz. >< The stupid stairs almost killed me. LOL. Then reached the top and took pictures, then rest awhile before trekking down. Trekking down is so much better and less tiring. While we're trekking down, played some games along the way. (Y)
Then finished trekking, came back to school for some workshop stuffs. Haha, it is quite fun too actually. Knew alot after the workshop. :) After the workshop, celebrated for Christmas by playing some games. Totally sian diao so didn't won anything for squad. Sorry! Tsk. Then, went to Jurongpoint for Christmas Celebrations II! Hahaha, it was equally fun too. But then very tiring. It is like wasting money manz. LOL. But overall fun la. ^^
Then the game ended around 7 ba. Can't remember cos i've bad memory. LOL. Then bused 199 back to school, then did drills, bathe, NIGHT WALK! Very very cool lor. Its the first time i'm experiencing this. Hahahahaha! Hmm, its quite scary, cos travelling around the school at night, with like a little light only, and its like so so so cold man. Hahahahahaha! :) Lights out at around 12plus. Slept well on that night, cos seriously very tired. :O
Day 3!
Woke up at 7, then keep on sleeping, cos really very tired, but still have to wake up. Then did PT, had breakfast, then went to Pertapis Children's Home! Had fun with them. Well, not exactly fun la.. But then.. Yeah.. Although everyone is kinda like sian and upset, but i think that this is a very good experience ba. The children there also very ke lian like that. Being abused by their own parents. Haiish. Then bused back to school, did area cleaning, and before breaking camp, played a game and bid farewell to Ms Lee who is leaving. So sad luh. )':Okie, after the farewell party, took cab to Jurongpoint, then walked to Angel's house. Her house was so damn beautiful can! I envy alot alot! Thanks for the dinner! Haha, your mum's cooking skills is really nice can or not! Xie xie ni! :) Reached home at around 8.50. Okie, shall stop here now. This post is killing me. Tay Xiao Tong, you good. LOL. Oh ya, Ong Yan Ting, we shall be happy-go-lucky girls from now on. Leave those unhappy stuffs aside and enjoy your Christmas with Xuanny! Kay shall post until here, bai bai peoples! :)
Huh, friends? What is this? If this is what you meant by friends, then i rather don't be your friend.
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