Left home at 11plus to meet blogshop people. Trained all the way to Cck with a stupid badminton racket lol. Its like so malu man HAHAHA. Okay nvm. Then trained back Boonlay, bused to Gekpoh and bused to Oyt's place. (:
Played badminton a few rounds then guess what? My shoe spoiled! Yup spoiled. Wth man. Damn pathetic. )': Okay so stopped playing badminton. Then oyt and lsl wanted to buy bbt. Then raced to the lamp post see who is the slowest to reach. Okay its me lol. Sad right. Okay so i 'emo-ed'. HAHAHA. Then ended up didnt buy any bbt afterall. Sad much?
Then went up to Oyt's house. Did blogshop stuffs. Took pictures and video-ed. Played with Sasha. HAHAHA. Sasha good girl. I good girl also kk hehehe. $: Then went to use Oyt's com. We're bored so Oyt decided to show off her talent in tying of hair. There up there ^^^. HAHAHA. The professional~ LOL. Okay so i'm playing tap tap yep. HAHAHA TAP TAP I LOVE YOU! (L)
Okay so i'm posting very very very very very very the slow over here.......... And Oyt heartbreaker why you suddenly offline lol. You offline i dont feel like continuing..... LOL LOL. The walau girl you online leyyyyy. ): Hahaha i know you later blush when you see this. HAHA. Anyway i like the photo up there ^^^. Sasha so cute right? Indeed trueee~ Sasha cute good girl. :P
Went to do mass meetup today. Urgh. Tired manz. ): Okay off to eat shall end here. Bb! Update another day again. Tag people! (:
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